Great post, Andrea! Thank you for putting Erica and Dante’s Maître d’ Diaries in the spotlight - I’m a huge fan. I also love your Eater piece about old-school reservation books - very cool. Finally, thanks so much for mentioning my Cooks Without Borders Substack! (I'm blushing to be included in ‘everyone who is anyone in the industry’ - actually, I fell off my chair, but I’ll take it!). Looking forward to reading more installments of The Strong Buzz - congrats on all the great work you’re doing!

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Thank you so much Leslie! And thank you for reading and for being a paid subscriber! ❤️

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Amazing! As a former NYC maitre d’ I LOVE reservation books❣️ And I love Erica and Dante’s podcast. Thank you for sharing this!!

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Thank you so much for this great article, Andrea! We had so much fun chatting with you and are thoroughly honored to be represented in the fabulous Strong Buzz! Plus, I love you! xoxox

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I was so happy to see Maddy Maldonado's name mentioned in a sentence that has Barry Wine's and Drew Neiporent's names in it and comes adorned with qualifiers like OG and "new generation".

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She is amazing!!

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